About Us

Welcome friends,

We are Mumma (Hannah) and Elliott Wolf. We are dreamers of dreams, a photographer and a future photographer, we are mother and son, adventure sidekicks and best friend, we are equal.

This is me. A professional photorapher a stay at home working Mumma. A wife to a rather handsome bearded chap and a lover of Middle Earth. Always seeking adventure and dreaming of a little house in the Scottish valleys. I love the smell of cinnamon, reading The Hobbit, drawing, stitching and capturing real moments in life with my camera. Thank you for seeing me.

This is Elliott Wolf. A 4 year old on a mission. He loves a good stick and pretending to fight monsters in the woods. He is head strong and determined to do things his way. My little man with a heart of gold but a temper like a stormy sea. Jumping on the bed, playing with his figures and eating biscuits are his favourite things to do. He is my little Wolf with wide eyes and he completes me.

If you would like to work with us please do get in touch, we would love to hear from you. Please email wherethewildwolflives@gmail.com and lets talk.
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